Readings for today:
- Carol Stabile, "Shooting the Mother: Fetal Photography and the Politics of Disappearance," Camera Obscura, 28 (January 1992): 180-206.
- "You Are a Cyborg." An interview with Donna Haraway from Wired.
- "Morhping the Human Body," ESPN.com
- Anne Balsamo, "On the Cutting Edge: Cosmetic Surgery and the Technological Production of the Gendered Body," Camera Obscura, 28, January 1992, pp. 207-238.
- D. Marie Ralstin Lewis, "The Continuing Struggle against Genocide: Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Rights," Wacazo Sa Review, Spring 2005, pp. 71-95.
- A Thin Blue Line: The History of the Pregnancy Test Kit
- The Critical Art Ensemble’s Bio Tech Projects: Flesh Machine; Society for Reproductive Anachronisms; Cult of the New Eve.
- David Gunkel, "We Are Borg: Cyborgs and the Subject of Communication," Communication Theory, Vol. 10, Issue 3, p 332-357.
- Ted Butryn and Matthew Masucci, “It’s Not About The Book: A Cyborg Counternarrative of Lance Armstrong,” Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Volume 27, No. 2, May 2003, pp. 124-144.
- Prosthetics barred at the Olympics? ‘Blade Runner’ Loses Beijing Hopes
- Wired Magazine’s ‘Top 10 New Organisms of 2007’
- "Weaponizing the Pentagon's Cyborg Insects."
- Terminator vs. Robocop