Reading for today:
Questions for today:
Why study technology?
What is the relationship between technology & culture?
What sorts of machines, devices, and practices 'count' when we talk about technology in the 21st century?
Readings for today:
Leo Marx, "Technology: The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept," Social Research , Vol. 64 (1997): 965–88.
Paul E. Ceruzzi, “A Large Canvas," in Melvin Kranzberg and Carroll W. Pursell Jr., eds., Technology in Western Civilization . (NOTE: this article looks at the emergence of the "History of Technology" as an academic discipline and field of inquiry).
Langdon Winner, "Do Artifacts Have Politics?," Daedalus , Vol. 109, No. 1, Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity? (Winter, 1980), pp. 121-136.
For further reading & research:
Raymond Williams, "The Technology and the Society" in Television: Technology and Cultural Form , pp. 1-25.
Caroll Pursell, "Technologies as Cultural Practice and Production," Technology and Culture 41:3, 2010.
Langdon Winner, "The Gloves Come off: Shattered Alliances in Science and Technology Studies," Social Text , No. 46/47, Science Wars (Spring - Summer, 1996), pp. 81-91.
Donald MacKenzie, "Marx and the Machine," Technology and Culture , Vol. 25, No. 3. (Jul., 1984), pp. 473-502.
George Saliba lecture: “Arabic Islamic Science and the making of the Renaissance.”
Lewis Mumford, “Cultural Preparation,” Technics and Civilization , 9-59.
Jacques Ellul, The Technological System .
Readings for today:
For further reading/research:
James Carey, "Technology and Ideology: The Case of the Telegraph," in New Media Reader .
E.P. Thompson, "Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism," Past and Present , No. 38 (Dec., 1967), pp. 56-97.
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, "The Space of Glass Architecture," in The Railway Journey: The Industrialization and Perception of Time and Space .
Thomas Pynchon, “Is it O.K. to be a Luddite?” New York Times Book Review , October 28, 1984.
Charlie Chaplin's view of industrialization .
Industrialization at its tastiest: the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Machine
Readings for today:
Ruth Schwartz Cowan, More Work For Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology From the Open Hearth to the Microwave (1983). Read 'Introduction' and Chapters 3-5 .
For further reading & research:
Dolores Hayden, "Two Utopian Feminists and Their Campaigns for Kitchenless Houses," Signs , Vol. 4, No. 2 (1978), pp. 274-290.
Kimberley W. Carrell, "The Industrial Revolution Comes to the Home: Kitchen Design Reform and Middle-Class Women," Journal of American Culture , Fall79, Vol. 2 Issue 3 (Fall 1979): 488-499.
Ruth Schwartz Cown, "Less Work for Mother?," American Heritage , Vol. 2, no. 3 (1987).
Readings for today:
For further reading and research:
Jonathan Sterne, “A Machine to Hear For Them: On the Very Possibility of Sound’s Reproduction,” Cultural Studies , 15, no. 2 (2001): 259-294.
Kristen Haring, "The 'Freer Men' of Ham Radio: How a Technical Hobby Provided Social and Spatial Distance," Technology and Culture , Vol. 44 (2003): 734-761.
Jody Berland, "Radio Space and Industrial Time: Music Formats, Local Narratives and Technological Mediation," Popular Music , Vol. 9, No. 2, Radio Issue (1990): 179-192.
Derek W. Vaillant, "Sounds of Whiteness: Local Radio, Racial Formation, and Public Culture in Chicago, 1921–1935," American Quarterly , Vol. 54, No. 1 (March 2002): 25-66.
Jonathan Sterne, “The mp3 as Cultural Artifact,” New Media & Society , Vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 825-842.
Pacifica Radio Archives
Pirate Radio USA trailer (audio)
A brief synopsis of pirate radio .
Micropower radio around the world
Readings for today:
For further reading/research:
Sharon Sharp, "Television, Gender and Space: An Overview of Lynn Spigel," Science Fiction Film and Television , Volume 2, Issue 2, Spring 2009, pp. 281-292.
Raymond Williams, Television: Technology and the Cultural Form (Routledge: 2003). Originally published in 1974.
Jonathan Sterne, "Television under construction: American television and the problem of distribution, 1926-62 ," Media, Culture & Society , 1999, 21: 503-530.
Max Dawson, "Home Video and the 'TV Problem': Cultural Critics and Technological Change," Technology and Culture, Vol. 48 (2007), pp. 524-549.
Lila Abu-Lughod, "Islam and Public Culture: The Politics of Egyptian TV Serials," Middle East Report , No. 180, Power, Mass Media and the Middle East. (Jan-Feb, 1993): 25-30.
John Fiske, Television Culture (Routledge: 1987), Chapters 1-2.
Evan I. Schwartz, "Who Really Invented Television?" Technology Review , September, 2000.
UHF , starring Weird Al Yankovic.
Museum of Television.
Readings for today:
For further reading & research:
Lance Bennett, "The Internet and Global Activism," in eds. Nick Couldry and James Curran, New Media Power (Rowman and Littlefield: 2003).
Philip Howard, Lee Rainie and Steve Jones, "The Place of the Internet in Everyday Life. " (excerpt)
Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner, "Internet Subcultures and Oppositional Politics. "
National Science Foundation, "The Internet: Changing the Way We Live. " (aside from the technologically deterministic title, it's a nice overview of some key events and 'players' in the development of the internet).
Maria Bakardjieva, " Virtual togetherness: An Everyday-life Perspective," Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 25 (2003): 291–313.
Critical Art Ensemble, Electronic Civil Disobedience (Autonomedia: 1996).
Critical Art Ensemble, Digital Resistance (Autonomedia: 2001).
Global internet statistics.
Internet pornography statistics .
Online dating and avatars .
Readings for today:
Wolfgang Schivelbusch, "The American Railroad," in The Railway Journey: The Industrialization and Perception of Time and Space .
Gary Allan Tobin, “The Bicycle Boom of the 1890’s: The Development of Private Transportation and the Birth of the Modern Tourist ,” Popular Culture , 7, 1974.
André Gorz, “The Social Ideology of the Motorcar.” Le Sauvage , September-October 1973.
Paul Gilroy, “Driving While Black .” In Car Cultures , ed. Daniel Miller. Berg, 2001, pp. 81-104.
For further reading/research:
Zack Furness, Introduction , One Less Car: Bicycling and the Politics of Automobility , Temple University Press (2010).
Mimi Sheller and John Urry, "The City and the Car," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , Vol. 24, No. 4 (2000): 737-757.
Jason Henderson, "Secessionist Automobility: Racism, Anti-Urbanism, and the Politics of Automobility in Atlanta, Georgia," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , Volume 30, No. 2 (June 2006): 293–307.
Paul Rosen, "The Social Construction of Mountain Bikes: Technology and Postmodernity in the Cycle Industry," Social Studies of Science , Vol. 23, No. 3. (August, 1993), pp. 479-513.
Ivan Illich, Energy and Equity .
Steffen Bohm (ed), Against Automobility (a great collection of essays)
Mimi Sheller, "Automotive Emotions: Feeling the Car." Lancaster University, 2003.
Zack Furness, "Critical Mass, Urban Space, and Vélomobility," Mobilities , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2007): 299-319.
NOW on PBS: Driven to Despair (video).
National Public Radio: Trains see record ridership (audio).
Tokyo's automatic bicycle garage .
The dumbest transportation technology ever invented.
The best transportation technology ever invented.
Readings for today:
Carolyn de la Peña, "Artificial Sweetener as a Historical Window to Culturally Situated Health," Annuls of the New York Academy of Sciences , Vol. 1190 (2010): 159–165.
Paul Josephson, "The Ocean’s Hot Dog: The Development of the Fish Stick, " Technology and Culture , Volume 49, Number 1 (January 2008): 41-61.
Jodan Kleiman, "Local Food and the Problem of Public Authority," Technology and Culture , Volume 50, Number 2, April 2009, pp. 399-417.
For further reading/research:
William Boyd, "Making Meat: Science, Technology, and American Poultry Production, " Technology and Culture , Volume 42, Number 4 (October 2001): 631-664.
Jim Mason and Mary Finelli, "Brave New Farm," in Ed. Peter Singer, In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave (Blackwell: 2006), pp. 104-122.
Carolyn de la Peña, "False Scarlet: Healthful Sugar vs. Adulterous Saccharin in the Early Twentieth Century," in Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda (North Carolina Press: 2010).
Massimo Mazzotti, "Enlightened Mills: Mechanizing Olive Oil Production in Mediterranean Europe," Technology and Culture , Vol. 45, April 2004, pp. 277-304.
Harriet Friedmann, "The Political Economy of Food: A Global Crisis," The American Journal of Sociology , Vol. 88, Supplement: Marxist Inquiries: Studies of Labor, Class, and States. (1982), pp. S248-S286.
Theodor C. Bestor, "How Sushi Went Global," Foreign Policy , Nov/Dec 2000, pp. 54-63.
Steve Ettlinger, author of Twinkie, Deconstructed, giving a presentation at the Google Headquarters.
Shelly Nickles, "Preserving Women: Refrigerator Design as Social Process in the 1930s," Technology and Culture , Volume 43, Number 4, October 2002, pp. 693-727.
Readings for today:
Ferenc M. Szasz and Issei Takechi, "Atomic Heroes and Atomic Monsters: American and Japanese Cartoonists Confront the Onset of the Nuclear Age, 1945–80, " The Historian , Volume 69, Issue 4 (2007): 728–752.
Abby J. Kinchy, "African Americans in the Atomic Age: Postwar Perspectives on Race and the Bomb, 1945–1967," Technology and Culture , Volume 50, Number 2, April 2009, pp. 291-315.
Nuke Pop
In-class screening: Atomic Cafe
For further reading/research on nukes & weapons:
Raymond Williams, "The Politics of Nuclear Disarmament."
Harvey Wasserman interviewed on Democracy Now! , February 18, 2010.
Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation (1982).
Nick Turse, "6 Terrifying New Weapons Being Created by the Pentagon," , January 31, 2011.
Robotic surveillance 'bats' developed with U.S. Army funding.
William K. Storey, "Guns, Race, and Skill in Nineteenth-Century Southern Africa," Technology and Culture , Vol. 45, October 2004, pp. 687-711.
Johan Höglund, "Electronic Empire: Orientalism Revisited in the Military Shooter ," Game Studies , Volume 8, Issue 1, September 2008.
AK-47 documentary (from Al-Jazeera)
The Bomb Project.
Readings for today:
For further reading and research:
Anne Balsamo, "On the Cutting Edge: Cosmetic Surgery and the Technological Production of the Gendered Body," Camera Obscura , 28, January 1992, pp. 207-238.
D. Marie Ralstin Lewis, "The Continuing Struggle against Genocide: Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Rights ," Wacazo Sa Review , Spring 2005, pp. 71-95.
A Thin Blue Line: The History of the Pregnancy Test Kit
The Critical Art Ensemble’s Bio Tech Projects: Flesh Machine ; Society for Reproductive Anachronisms ; Cult of the New Eve .
David Gunkel, "We Are Borg: Cyborgs and the Subject of Communication ," Communication Theory , Vol. 10, Issue 3, p 332-357.
Ted Butryn and Matthew Masucci, “It’s Not About The Book: A Cyborg Counternarrative of Lance Armstrong ,” Journal of Sport and Social Issues , Volume 27, No. 2, May 2003, pp. 124-144.
Prosthetics barred at the Olympics? ‘Blade Runner’ Loses Beijing Hopes
Wired Magazine’s ‘Top 10 New Organisms of 2007’
"Weaponizing the Pentagon's Cyborg Insects."
Terminator vs. Robocop
Readings for today:
Lewis Mumford, "Authoritarian and Democratic Technics."
Carroll Pursell, "The Rise and Fall of the Appropriate Technology Movement in the United States, 1965-1985," Technology and Culture , Vol. 34, No. 3. (Jul., 1993), pp. 629-637.
Jameson Wemore, "Amish Technology," in Technology and Society (MIT: 2009), pp. 297-318.
Derrick Jensen, "Premises," in Endgame, Vol. II: Resistance (Seven Stories Press: 2006), pp. xi-xi.
For further reading and research:
Langdon Winner, "Building the Better Mousetrap," in The Whale and the Reactor (University of Chicago Press: 1988), pp. 61-84.
Ivan Illich, Energy and Equity
Andrew Ross, "Hacking Away at the Counterculture," Postmodern Culture , Vol. 1, No. 1, 1990.
Carol Stabile, "'A Garden Inclosed is My Sister': Ecofeminism and Eco-Valences," Cultural Studies , Vol. 8, No. 1 (1994): 56-73.
Ron Eglash’s, "Introduction ," Appropriating Technology .
Lila Abu-Lughod, “Bedouins, Cassettes and Technologies of Public Culture,” Middle East Report , No. 159, (Jul-Aug, 1989), pp. 7-11 & 47.
Steve Waksman, "California Noise: Tinkering with Hardcore and Heavy Metal in Southern California," Social Studies of Science , Vol. 34, No. 5 (October 2004): 675–702.
Appropriating technology links (courtesy of Ron Eglash)
Books by the Critical Art Ensemble (in their entirety....for free)
Tactical Media resources via New York University
The History of Hacking (Infographic)
Parasitic Media (by Nathan, on behalf of the Carbon Defense League)
Readings for today:
Michael Bull, "No Dead Air! The iPod and the Culture of Mobile Listening," Leisure Studies , Vol. 24, No. 4, 343–355, October 2005.
Trebor Scholz and Paul Hartzog, "Toward a Critique of the Social Web," Re-public .
Ethan Zuckerman, "Mobile Phones and Social Activism," Techsoup , June 20, 2007.
Giles Slade, "iWaste," Mother Jones , March/April 2007.
For further reading and research:
For today:
Technology of the Word! Bring a draft of your paper to work on during today's class. Your draft should include: 1) A clear thesis/argument, 2) A plan for your paper, 3) A working bibliography with brief annotations (i.e. notes about your sources).
For today:
In-class presentations & discussion!